Before and After Gallery
This was an amazingly difficult corrective breast surgery case. This very lovely woman has a severe pectus carinatum with associated rib deformities and breast asymmetry. The pectus carinatum is a outward curving of the sternum or breastbone. With hers, the ribs had deformities as well. It's difficult in pictures to see but her bony thorax was very wedge shaped. This bony deformity resulted is abnormal breast development. It was very difficult to determine what her breast volume was and what was chest wall deformity. For a while I thought the right breast was larger. However, at surgery I used same volume breast implants and we achieved excellent volume symmetry! The right breast could have used a tightening breast lift or donut breast lift. We decided not to do this and she has a bit of tissue/implant dissociation. Overall, for this very severe asymmetry I think we achieved an excellent result. And most importantly the patient is very happy.