What is Breast Reconstruction Really Like for a Patient?

Plastic surgeon Christopher Hess MD, FACS
I have a breast reconstruction patient who also happens to be a talented writer, and has become a friend. She has kindly agreed to write about her experience here, including publishing excerpts from her personal journals here, in an effort to share her experience with other breast cancer patients who are in the midst of a difficult and painful journey.
As a plastic surgeon, supporting breast reconstruction patients and working together during the breast restoration process is the most rewarding and gratifying work that I do, and is the reason I became a plastic and reconstructive surgeon.
Breast reconstruction is always covered by insurance, according to federal law. Many women do not even know their options when faced with this difficult situation. We want to be a resource for all breast cancer patients and hope that sharing this patient’s story is at least a small step toward sharing the truth.
– Dr. Christopher Hess, Fairfax, Virginia
Pamela’s Story: A Real Patient’s Breast Reconstruction Journey
Part 1:
Pamela K: Five Words That Changed My Life
Dr. Hess: Communicating With a Cancer Patient – It’s Different
Part 2:
Pamela K: The Agony and the Ecstacy of My Cancer Diagnosis
Part 3:
Pamela K: Countdown to Surgery
Part 4:
Pamela K: After Surgery: The First Five Days
Part 5:
Pamela K: After Surgery: Drains, Drains, Go Away!